Layla Grayce Heerebout. Born - July 7th, 2008 @ 10:48pm. 6lb 3oz, 18.5". Beautiful and perfect! She is such a blessing. I've heard people talk about love at first sight and I'll admit it has never made sense to me. In it's classic form it still doesn't make sense. However, it does exist. As I watched Layla come into the world and saw her face for the first time I was in love with her from nanosecond #1. Even in her wrinkled messy state I loved her. As she grows older I want her to know that I will always love her...no matter how wrinkled and messy her life is, I will ALWAYS love her. I want her to come to know the same thing of God's love for her.
This is a grand adventure I'm about to start with Mel and Layla and I can't wait for it. It's going to be awesome