Monday, March 30, 2009

Cool off

This post is directed specifically towards guys. I've been reading one Proverb every morning along with my other bible readings. I figured I would start to take seriously the command to "get wisdom" (Prov 4:5) and since Solomon is called the wisest man who ever lived and Proverbs is his instructions on wisdom it made sense to add this as part of my daily routine.

This morning I was reading in chapter 17 and in verse 27 is says "...and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding". I write this to men because I'm pretty sure having a cool spirit is one of those things men struggle with more than ladies. We tend to get mad quickly, don't we? Is it just me? Are you also one of the people who allow yourself to let the smallest things annoy you? Someone does something you don't like and all of a sudden you're in a rage? Or perhaps someone cuts you off on the road - what's your reaction? What's your wife's reaction? Let's not enter into the arena of sports... one only needs to reference church hockey and the argument would be over.

Men, if we're going to be wise, if we are going to get wisdom and understanding, we need to be of cooler heads. We need the Holy Spirit to work in us to control our tempers and make us into the kinds of leaders in our houses, communities, and churches that he means for us to be. I'll be praying for you as I pray for myself. 

Keep your stick on the ice.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Be quiet...listen

I've been reading through Proverbs lately. This morning I read chapter 15. There was a big, resounding message in there for me, hold your tongue and listen to people wiser than you. It likely doesn't surprise many people this is difficult for me. It however has been a reoccurring message for me this past 6 months. Slowly I'm getting it. Slowly. 

I need Routine

I've been neglecting the natural rhythms of life lately. The things I hold on to as anchors have been missing and I can see the effects. So, I'm going to start blogging again, even though I didn't mean to quite yet, because it's good for me. I hope some people read it but mostly I hope it helps to re-center me.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The silence

I've gone largely silent lately. We've been really busy and there has been little time for blogging. I plan on getting back to it soon... probably later in the week. For now I just wanted to put a place holder up and let people know the silence isn't forever :)