Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Day After Tomorrow...

Whenever I take in the Arts Conference I come away with more passion and zeal than at any other time of the year. This year is no different. I love my God and believe Him to be worth dedicating my life to. I love the church and believe in the calling God has placed on her and that going beyond the ordinary should be a regular occurance within its people and it's walls. The question is what does it take to do this?

Francis Chan did a wonderful job reminding us that it's only in the power of the Holy Spirit that true life transformation occurs. You know, the arts can be used to manipulate emotions and can even give people a feeling similar to that of meeting with God. I don't mean in any real way but I mean the actual physiological and emotional feelings can be duplicated. It's not real life change...but it might seem like it at the time. What I want is for God to come and move through my life (or my art) in such a way that there is no doubt that it's Him working. It's not me or a cool song or a great drama but the Spirit working through those things to produce everlasting change in a heart.

So I will dedicate my life to pursuing God and praying ferverently for the Holy Spirit to come and change me that I might be a tool for his glory...and perhaps the day after tomorrow will be different than yesterday.

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