Monday, August 11, 2008

Rest - it's not a four letter word

Well at least it's not THAT kind of four letter word. In our society there are pockets that believe taking time off and resting is unacceptable. I don't prescribe to that model of thinking. Don't get me wrong - I believe that working hard is VERY important. I believe it's even biblically mandated that Christians be hard working people. However, it's equally mandated that we rest. God instituted the Sabbath. In some very real way resting was the first religious observance. The oldest ritual in our faith is the Sabbath. And just as God has set out the Sabbath as rest, so he sets out different seasons of rest in our lives. This week is one such time for me. I hope God will use this time to refresh me for the hard work to come. I pray for all of my friends that this summer has brought times of rest for each of you. If you haven't found rest yet, take time if you can.

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