Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Resting: What not to eat?

I don't know about you but I really try to think before I eat. Sometimes I over-think what I'm going to eat. It's probably a function of having been an overweight kid since birth (popped out at a whopping 9lb10oz) and having just really got control of my weight in the past 3 years (was 250lbs). But you know as right as I think it is for us to care about our health and to treat our bodies as temples I think there are times when we're resting and we should focus more on enjoying what God has given to us than what not to eat.

I feel a bit like the Apostle Peter in Acts 10. Here is this smorgasbord of food in front of me (well yesterday it wasn't so much that as the menu at "The Wharf" in Port Stanley) and God says "eat". I look over the menu and say "but God...this food has too much white flour and carbs - I can't eat this." And I really think God is saying "I made this for your enjoyment. Eat. Don't be so uptight. If I say it's clean, it is." You see, just like resting, there are times to work hard at our diets and times to relax. Here's to relaxing!

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