Monday, May 26, 2008

Interrogating Reality

I've recently finished a book called "Fierce Conversations" by Susan Scott. It's been fanstatic for me. The first principal outlined in this book is to "interrogate reality". In otherwords, call something what it is instead of pretending it's something else. I find that I can do this a lot...pretend I'm satisfied with a certain result or that it's ok to be mediocre and not strive for the best we can be. I believe with every fibre of my being that God deserves the very best we have to offer him. I think one of the biggest impedances to that is our inability to speak and recieve the truth in love. We think love is saying what's comfortable not what's true. I want to be someone to interrogates reality. I hope, if you're reading, you'll find it refreshing to be around someone who comes out from behind himself and lives with enough passion to interrogate reality.

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