Sunday, July 22, 2007

What's Love Got to do with it?

Now don't get me wrong...Tina Turner was a musical icon but that doesn't mean she get's everything right (and I guess she rarely gets things right...I mean who marries Ike? But she did do that killer duet with Bryan Adams...). When she sang that song she obviously didn't have the kind of wisdom that God has given to His children because we know that love has EVERYTHING to do with it. I'm loving 1 John 4:9,10, and 19 right now because it so plainly states that God loves us and they can only love because he loves us. I think worshipers of God ought to understand this as fully as possible...we ought to be meditating on it constantly because it's only through and by God's great love for us that we can truly worship Him.

We are called by the power of His love which has been for us since the dawning of time. The more deeply we love God the more we are able to worship Him rightly and accurately. A deep love for God springs from a deep knowledge of God and a deep relationship with Him. It's kind of like human love in one way (imago Dei anyone?). You know when you meet someone and you fall head over heals for them? Doesn't that feel amazing? But at some point you run out of reasons why you love that person...most of it is superficial and as great as it feels it's not very deep. But those of us who are married know that as time goes on our love deepens and the reasons we love are better and deeper and we know how to express that love and recieve it in ways that benefit both people in the relationship. It's so awesome!

Our ability to worship God springs from this kind of relationship with Him. The more we spend time with Him and invest in that loving relationship the more things we have to praise Him for and the more He envelops our very thoughts and actions.

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