Tuesday, January 20, 2009

#2 Intentionality

"Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." James 4:13-14

I am a futurist. That is to say I'm always thinking about what is coming down the pipe. I embrace this part of who I am and believe it's a gift God has given me that I need to use. It also can get me into trouble. Sometimes by looking into the future I miss the magic of the moment I'm living. This happens to me when I forget to be intentional about every moment of life and not just the ones that look into the future.

James tells us that our life is a mist. Not exactly an inspiring thought in some respects is it? I know it's meant for the increase of our humility and I want to embrace that and yet it also puts into me a sense of urgency. Every moment counts. If life is a mist then moments are the particles of moisture that make up that mist. The sun is rising and the moisture is constantly being burned away. Soon the mist will be gone.

I think each particle of moisture can be used to water something - to give life to someone or something. The moisture is given to us to use before it burns away. It's entrusted to us. My fear is that my moisture is being burned up before I get to use it for growth.

If I'm intentional - if I look for the divine opportunity in every moment and see God's given opportunity to invest my moisture in something every moment of every day then I believe my life will count. The vapor created as my life burns away will be more akin to a fragrant offering unto God then steam rising from a kettle that no one is watching boil.

I want every moment of 2009 to be used intentionally. Every action. Every ministry focus. Every time I spend resting or playing with my daughter or loving my wife. My prayer for 2009 is that it is a year characterized by intentionality.

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