Have you ever wondered what it would be like to feel like this guy? I'm certain it's not comfortable although Stretch here always has this goofy, obnoxious super hero-guy smile on all the time. I've tried doing the splits...it's not that fun Stretch! On the upside being able to reach uncomfortably far has it's advantages. I mean when my wife sends me to get that one dish at Christmas time we never use except at Christmas time and it's all the way at the back of the cupboard and far out of the reach of my 5'9 1/2" frame it'd sure be handy to be able to just stretch my way on up there, wouldn't it?
And so it is in life that at times we need to be stretched in order to accomplish things that might be coming in our future. The work of being stretched is rarely fun but it's necessary. See, I firmly believe that God wants to use us in ways that if we could see now would baffle and amaze us. But we're not ready. We need to be stretched so that when the time comes to reach a higher height we can get there. I'm praying these days that God would stretch me in ways that take me way out of my comfort zone so that I can be someone he calls on to really make his glory known to others. Are you willing to stretch too?
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