Thursday, December 18, 2008

Honestly... I think Canadians have much to learn from Americans

I know I said this (or something like it)after I got back from Washington but it popped into my head again today. This time its regarding our relationship to God. I'm not going to talk here about how much more culturally acceptable it is to be Christian in the US than in Canada but I'm going to address and underlying problem between the average American Xian and that of Canada: we don't believe God is as big in Canada as he is in the US.

I love our country. I love the church. Above both of those I love God and love seeing him made much of. I feel like often times we acknowledge God, give him a tip of the hat but we don't look at Him as the God who moves mountains... who's Spirit moves in power and who can do "immeasurably more" in our lives and country. Canadians are too polite for that. I think the biblical term is lukewarm. We don't claim promises because it would be presumptuous. We don't dream big because its not humble enough. We don't ask because we don't think we're worthy to receive. Let us remember... we bear the image of God as much as our American friends and as such, our potential is as enormous as theirs.

I don't want to be an American. I don't think America is a better country. I do think we need passionate Canadians to care about God's image in this country. More rightly understood, we need to respond to God's call to be effective ambassadors of Him in this land. We need to take risks, get outside our comfort zones, engage culture and win souls for the kingdom of God. Let us not be doomed to be spit out of the mouth of our Lord but to be embraced as those who did well and with whom he is well pleased.


  1. Yup... what we need in Canada is more touchdowns Jesuses.

  2. ouch. not quite what I'm thinking
