Monday, December 29, 2008

Submit to your matter how far away they live

Yesterday at WLA Mike preached a sermon on New Year's Resolution and suggested three people that you might want to study/emulate this year in an effort to move your life closer to what God would want for you. I think this can be a really way to conform your life to the image God has in mind for you. The Bible makes it clear that this is something we should do:

"Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith."

Our world is so small now. The internet makes it easy for us to have spiritual leaders who impact us greatly but live thousands of miles away. I'd like to share with you the top four distance leaders in my life this year and hope that these men would inspire, challenge and encourage you this year.

1) Erwin McManus: Erwin is lead pastor and "cultural architect" (love that title) at Mosaic in Los Angeles. I love Erwin's passion for challenging us to become and influencer of culture and to become all that we can be in Christ.

2) Francis Chan: I first got to hear Francis speak at the Willow Arts Conference this past June. His message touched me deeply. I bought his book Crazy Love immediately. It's a call for us to consider Christ's radical call to love people with everything we have as more than metaphor. To take it literally. Beware... this book WILL mess you up.

3) Mark Driscoll: Mark is reformed theology for the postmodern man. He has much to read and emulate but recently he did a sermon series on Song of Solomon called "The Peasant Princess". This series on marriage as God intended should be required viewing (available through iTunes under Mars Hill's video podcast) for everyone thinking of ever getting married. Honestly, that's not hyperbole - the advice throughout that series has changed my marriage in ways that I could never thank Mark enough for.

4) Andy Stanley: the son of Charles Stanley continues to do his name sake proud. I think Andy is putting out leadership material as awesome as Willow was putting out in the mid 90's. Any book by Andy is worth reading. However, his podcasts are equally awesome. Andy has a knack for condensing a whole sermon into one memorable phrase that sticks with you and changes your thinking. Adding him to your weekly routine will allow God room to relevantly and practically change your life.

So there - four men who, despite their distance, very much feel like friends and mentors. Perhaps they won't all work for you but I'd wager adding any of them to your 2009 routines will inspire and challenge you in ways you'd be glad of when we start partying like it's 2010.


  1. So I've decided I need to re-read Visioneering because, I just should figure myself out in a few areas. Plus accept the challenge to do hard things that I know is waiting for me in that book.

    Next, of course I love the Mark Driscoll series you mentioned. We downloaded the videos via I feel like making a cell group do it. (awkward? maybe.)

    Erwin I will try to like. The first book I read of his rubbed me the wrong way, but I'm willing to try again.

    Thanks for this! Now you should go read L'Abri by Shaeffer so we are ready for the 4-plex!

  2. I can see how Erwin would be a tougher person to buy into. He's not reformed in the least. However, I think he has some amazing insights and if we were to agree to disagree on the non-essentials (as I think we should) then perhaps he's more agreeable :)
