Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Find a good piece of land

Analagous to the "let your light shine" is the "City on a Hill" metaphor. The point is, let people see you that they might glorify the Father, right? So, where you are is as important has how you are. A light under a bushel doesn't do any good and a city that isn't readily found doesn't do much good either.

So my question is, how strategic are you with where you settle down or spend your time? I don't just mean your house but just where you go in your day to day activities. Right now I'm sitting at this coffee shop in St. Thomas. I go to the same one every time hoping that I can build a relationship with the people who serve me and get a chance to share Christ with them. I try desperately to go to the same hairdresser all the time. Her name is Michelle...I want to invite her to Christmas Eve service.

I need to remember that my neighbourhood and everyone in it should be view the same way. I've got some interesting neighbours but I want Christ to help me to be helpful to them too.

So what about it? What changes could you make to ensure your light is seen and is helpful to more people who need to see the light?

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